Sundial Studios

Creative, Energy Expanding Classes,  Group Workshops and Private sessions

finding true north makes you feel more you, more alive

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift”  

Albert Einstein scientist

Our intuitive creative workshops and classes support to expand in mind and spirit

We offer a magical, exploratory blend of art, science and energy-based approaches, designed to (re)discover uniqueness, amplify power and forge stronger connections to self, each other and nature.

Book Classes Here

The Elemental Self 

Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether - we are all made of star stuff. This 5 session course over 5 Thursday mornings explores the primal forces of our nature, through imagination, symbolism, mysticism, philosophy, and using mixed media, colour, value and form, to expand our creativity and intuition .

  • Exploring the Elemental Self  - Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether

    Expanding the primal forces of our nature creatively, through intuition, imagination,  mysticism, symbolism, meditative practices and nature.

    In the Studio we stay loose and explorative, whilst learning about design. colour, texture, form, symbolism.

    Outside of the studio: (optional for those who have time) journalling, self connection,  environment, drawing inspiration from the unknown

  • People who want to push their creativity and explore different media and techniques, in a fun, exploratory group class, in a safe and non judgmental environment.

    Maximum 5 people

  • SGD$380 for 5 classes

    All Materials Included

  • March 6  -  April 3 ( 5 weeks

    Thursday Mornings


Let Us Loose

Creative Group Workshops

  • Exploring Our Dimensions through Art, Science and Energy

    Exploratory, fun group sessions to stimulate creativity and loosen up intuition, insight and imagination. To open up the whole mind - focusing on right brain stimulation to unleash a new universe of possibilities, to rediscover your inner world, your own voice and start raising awareness of what makes us unique.

    A dynamic and meditative blend of energy balancing, collage, sound, mark making, painting and visioning.

    Ideal for corporate groups, teams and groups of friends.

  • Ideal for corporate groups, teams and groups of friends.

  • S$130 per person includes materials

    Minimum 4 people, maximum 8

  • 2-2.5 hours

Spirit of My Nature

Personal One - One Creative Sessions

  • Connecting Inner and Outer Worlds for Greater Power

    Creativity is a powerful tool to access our intuition and kick start our energy expanding journey, aligning our inner and outer worlds for deep intention setting from the conscious and subconscious mind as well as clearing a channel for the superconscious.

    One on One sessions are tranquil, meditative sessions, using a magical blend of sound, meditation, mysticism, visioning, and creative expression using collage, painting and printing.

    At the end of the session you will have a self made collage or expression that speaks to you and reflects your unique inner world. All materials included.

  • People who want to use creativity to bring to consciousness their unknown and inner worlds

  • S$220 per session- al materials included

  • 2-2.5 hours



Expanding intuitively and creatively helps us become more…

  • Centred

    anchored in a self confident, growth mindset

  • Open minded

    accepting of the unfamiliar or unknown

  • Confident

    trusting in our intuitive guidance

  • Empathetic

    conscious of not just our own needs but those of others

  • Unique

    finding strength and power in our special qualities

  • Aware

    that our brains often trick us into repeating and unhelpful patterns

  • In Flow

    in greater harmony with ourselves and therefore in the natural flow of nature

  • Discerning

    making conscious decisions in alignment with individual and collective values

  • Imaginative

    making new and surprising connections to create new and fresh ideas.


What People Say


The Sundial Studios Approach

Ours is a divergent, creative approach, with a focus on discovery and opening to new perspectives and mindsets – using established as well as experimental & innovative techniques to  open the mind and heart, stimulate creativity, self expression, find our power, and forge new or forgotten connections within ourselves and to nature - our true nature.

We experiment and learn with symbolism, explore the differences between emotional, physical and mental ideas to reveal our true voices and amplify differences. We learn to understand the value of differences, using design, contrast and texture to express a compelling story.

We learn how to embrace the unknown and create from the part of our brain that is so underused and underexplored.

All in a safe, private space where exploration is positively encouraged, judgement not so, and verbal sharing never an obligation. As an introverted thinker I know how important is it to be able to keep your own counsel, and be ready to speak only when you want to, so your internal world is safe with us!

Our unique approach blends: Sound -  Visioning – Meditation - Energy balancing - Mark Making – Collage – Colour Mixing - Painting,  Archetypes, enabling  each individual to work on their own personal, unique style, vision and voice;  following ‘mistakes’ to see what new opportunities arise, letting go of any expectation to produce a specific outcome or to make comparisons to others to define what ‘good’ looks like.

We are all different and our differences make us more powerful and our voices compelling and real.


For those who want to explore their own unique creative voice and give themselves the freedom to learn through experimentation

People who like to experiment and learn through experience, who wants to open up their mind, build awareness of and confidence in themselves, connect with and amplify their uniqueness, release old stories and limitations, experiment with new ideas and techniques, expand their intuition, imagination and creativity to help align the inner world with outer impact.

Who wouldn’t enjoy our approach

Those looking to focus solely on representational art, their technical skills and on immediate producing finished work . Our approach is exploratory so if making wonderful paintings off the bat is critical, there will be more appropriate approaches and classes out there for you! 


Holiday Camps for Teens


“Let Us Loose ”

3 morning Holiday camps for Teens

Discover your True Self through Intuition, Creativity,  Insight, and Energy!  

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire world , stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution. ”—Albert Einstein, scientist and philosopher

Across three mornings we will :

Build Power in Ourselves

Explore Creative Freedom, Connection, Insight, Courage

Integrate Art, Science, Imagination and Energy

Ages 13 and above 


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

May 26 (26,27,28)

S$586 for 3 mornings

Learn More

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