The Spirit of (My) Nature Art Exhibition

On July 6th Sundial Studios was thrilled to present:

The Spirit of (My) Nature : An exhibition by Hilary Ridley Lee

This show marked the culmination of two years of co-creating at Sundial Studios, as Hilary stepped away from a decades-long corporate career in order to explore the true spirit of (her) nature.

The work is anchored in the hypothesis that society will thrive if we make room to discover, expand and amplify what makes each of us uniquely human, and balance this in awareness of our inherent connection to all nature.

The notion that the potential-stifling seeds of disocciation are planted early in childhood for many of us is not a contentious one. Societal and cultural norms, educational and parental expectations, systems and success stories intrinsically synched with mechanistic theories around the mind-body divide, all contribute to a deeply lurking feeling that somehow we are not quite wholly ‘ourselves’.

As we fragment ourselves into parts to cope with our stressful lives, we move through life feeling permanently out of balance, overcorrecting based on the largely false, limiting stories we tell ourselves, thus perpetuating the cycle of disconnection ad infinitum.

As we lose connection to ourselves and our own natures we lose connection to all of nature, and as we lose nature we become more remote from our own.

“ The attempt to live according to the notion that fragments are really separate is - in essence - what has led to the growing series of extremely urgent crises that confront us today”

David Bohm, scientist and philosopher.

Capturing this wonderful evening. Thank you to all who came to support me and say goodbye to our beloved Binjai space!

Says Hilary:

“My work and art is an exploration of moments of wholeness, of connection between the inner world and the outer nature; it is an observation of how our energy body responds when intuition is ignored in favour of perceived rational thought; it watches how repeating cycles and patterns of negative thinking derail small hopes of even minor progress towards balance, of how a minor shift of mind can transform pain into great beauty and hope.

It explores how our own natures of shadow and our light, in all of our dimensions are - in pure essence - inextricable from the wider nature of the cosmos.

It is a quest to experience - through science, art, philosophy, energy and the non religious spiritual realm - unification of my most diverse fragments; the Gestalt, oneness, consciousness:- to seek the true evolutionary spirit of humanity’s infinite potential. “

The pieces on show explore the relationship with the self and nature at the quantum as well as the cosmic level. Inspired by research, writings, work and musings of many, including David Bohm and Krishnamurti, William Blake, Carl Jung, Nick Cave, Thich Nhat Hanh, Hilma Af Klimt, Niels Bohr, Agnes Martin, Georgia O Keefe, Emil Nolde, The Blue Rider and the beautiful blue planet we call home.

Schedule July 6th

6:00 pm - Welcome Drinks

6:30 pm - Crystal Sound Immersion

7:15 pm - Hilary will provide a personal introduction to her creative philosophy and process, and highlight key pieces from this collection

2 am - close

Address is 38 Binjai Park, 589838.

Slots are limited. Please RSVP for each person if you intend to come on Thursday 6th.

On July 7th and 8th, private viewings can be arranged by appointment.

Reservation of pieces can be arranged in advance. Click here to view. Art Gallery

All enquiries to Hilary on 93236206 or at


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